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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy June Dairy Month

June is dairy month! Why not celebrate with a big bowl of ice cream or ice cold glass of chocolate milk?
There’s a lot more that goes into producing that glass of milk or bowl of ice cream than you may think. Dairy farmers are very attentive to their animals and monitor their health regularly. Cow comfort is a top priority, and many dairy cows sleep on sand, water mattresses and other comfortable bedding. After all, comfortable cows are healthier and produce more milk. Dairy cows also see a veterinarian and nutritionist more than most people see a doctor of dietitian. An animal nutritionist balances a scientific ration—a recipe or diet—to meet the cows’ nutritional needs. Milk production requires a lot of energy! To learn more about modern dairy farming, visit to watch videos, read factsheets and hear from actual dairy farmers.
Dairy farmers are very proud of the high-quality, nutritious and safe milk they produce, and they should be. Milk contains nine essential nutrients including calcium, vitamin D and protein that healthy bodies need every day. With so many varieties of milk, cheese and yogurt available these days, there is truly something for everyone. Greek yogurt also contains more protein. Flavored milk also contains the same nine essential nutrients and is a very healthy alternative to sports drinks and soda.
What’s your favorite dairy food? Feel free to share dairy recipes too!

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