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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Take a moment and RELAX!

Perhaps you’ve already had some time to get away and relax this summer. Forget about work and the rest of life’s responsibilities and just unwind. If you haven’t had a chance to do this year, take a few moments today. After all, it’s National Relaxation Day.
Even if you don’t have the day off work, it is still possible to squeeze in some ‘me time.’ Maybe even take off work a little early and do something you really want to do. If you are a runner, maybe you’ve been trying to squeeze another long run in but amidst everything else haven’t had a chance. Do it today. Do whatever de-stresses you and calms you.
If you are lucky enough to have the day off, sleep in! Lounge around. Do some gardening. Just chill. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?
If all else fails, it’s almost the weekend. Spend the weekend doing something relaxing.
What are you doing to unwind today?

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