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Friday, October 11, 2013

Salute a farmer this harvest season

As harvest gets underway, we want to salute the farmers who work hard 365 days a year to ensure we have enough to eat. Their job is no small task. It usually involves getting up before the sun and not getting to sleep until the wee hours of the night. Later if the livestock get out. Unlike many other professions, business on a farm can’t just stop and resume a week later after everyone has taken a vacation, especially if there are livestock involved. Those livestock need fresh feed and water daily. Just like you do. Farmers spend a lot of time ensuring their animals are healthy. In fact, many animals see a veterinarian more than most people see a doctor.
Harvest is a special and sometimes stressful time. A farmer’s crop is a significant investment; one that is affected by the weather and other elements out of their control. The drought of 2012 devastated many family farmers, especially those without crop insurance. Farmers feed the world. This is a huge and important job.
Farmers day is October 12th. This is an excellent time to thank your local farmers for their dedication and commitment to producing quality food each and every day for you and your family. There are many farmer bloggers online that love to talk with the general public about what they do and why they do it, including Wisconsin dairy farmer Carrie Mess and Arkansas cattleman Ryan Goodman.
When you see tractors or other farm machinery on local roads, please slow down. Farmers do not try to inconvenience anyone. They are trying to get their work done just the same as everyone else is. Most tractor drivers will pull over to the side of the road if they see a line forming behind them. Those farmers spend many, many hours out in the fields during harvest season to produce food for local families.
Better yet, tip your hat to every farmer you see. They will appreciate it!

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